Wot’s ‘appening?

Phew, long time no post..

as the title says..

One side project is TinyGS cubesat..

I started taking part from late ’22 and been active 24/7 since then.

I initially read about it on RTL-SDR.com and looked more into it at TinyGS

I then acquired a couple of TTGO LoRa32 V2 boards, one with GPS for another side project I’m about to look more into, if interested HERE. Two pieces of advice, you can now get the boards already with the screen pre soldered and the supplied antenna is useless for this project.

Just for information, I decoded packets from nine different cubesats in the previous 24 hours, their TX power ranging from 158 mW to 3000mW..

The TinyGS website has all the information and if you still have questions, they have a channel on Telegram called tinyGS community for further information, I have found the regulars very responsive to any questions I have posted.

My set up ?

a 70 cm Turnstile antenna in my loft space, RG6 coax into the board which is presently run off a 5v power bank. I keep threatening to place everything outside, sometime….

There are many various antenna types in use, the tinyGS community have a sub channel for antenna matters and links to various builds are available.

Matt at Tech Minds has this youtube video

For more videos, just go to the YouTube search box and input TinyGS, search throws up antenna videos as well.

I would advise looking more closely at the TinyGS website which will explain everything a lot better and more clearer than I can.

Stock images used…

I’ve a 3d printer ordered watch this space…..

First print……slowly getting there…