A New Year, a new Decade and a new QTH………..

2019, the ’10 are past, IO75pw too..

A house move mid December, further east to IO86ba, our family had moved earlier and we finally moved too.

We have family commitments so the move was a no brainer. A regular commute was becoming unbearable….

We are now located in Central Scotland, halfway between Glasgow and Edinburgh, it also has other advantages, not the best location for radio (VHF etc) but I’ll survive but hey, I might get surprised when I finally get round to setting up the radio equipment for HF as well.

2019 was a busy year with my use of FT8 and FT4 on HF and occasionally on 2m, some new DXCC worked on a low power station with a stealth dipole, it worked.

I’ve still to decide if the same antenna type for the new QTH, other stuff first.

SOTA work was only one activation on nearby Dumyat, which sits looking over the Forth Valley and Stirling, activation post HERE. It was good to keep my hand in, there a few Marilyns within easy reach of the new QTH so I will get busy soon (once I can find all my radio gear LOL).

First thing is ADSB (done) then my VHF related stuff. I need a soldering iron first, still packed away somewhere.

We visited the Isle of Mull and I did a round the island cycle , post HERE, a return visit from a previous trip in 2011, blog posts HERE HERE, I thought time to take Mrs M. An enjoyable time with ‘interesting’ roads, I read somewhere that someone had assumed Mull was Gaelic for hilly, it certainly was…a trip to Iona was a highlight.

Cycling wise, I missed out on making 4,000 by just under 100 miles, this year I hope to make the total as December took its toll with the house move and other issues, oh well.

I passed the ’round the world’ total and am now 3,000 miles into my next circumference!


I live not far from the Forth & Clyde Canal and am hoping to get back into some fishing, buy myself some basic equipment to pass an hour or two, I can be mobile and move about spots with the bike instead of being stuck at the same spot. I’m stopping and asking all sorts of questions for info..

Looking forward to it..

I’ve been cycling the area on occasion and know some roads but many more new routes and areas to cycle…