(March) Radio Days

Been so much happening  SOTA activation  ‘post’ wise this month, I held this post back .


Quiet month, not much time available to work on 2m.

VHF SOTA activity for March.

Took the 2m handie to work to catch Iain, a (M)M3WJZ on Beinn Dubh, Iain had posted an alert conveniently timed for the start of my lunch break, I caught his call on S20 and had a short QSO with him as I reckoned there would still be snow on top of the hill, winter is not a time for hanging about too long as I found out to my cost on my activation of the Hill of Stake. Later in the week, Iain worked other summits on his trip north.

Beinn Eich fron a'Mhanaich

Beinn Eich from a'Mhanaich

Next chaser points were from our friend Neil, 2M0NCM who travelled northwards to activate Beinn Eich, weather conditions were not kind for Neil, high winds, rain and frozen ground but he braved the elements and activated the hill.


Gave out an odd call but nothing heard.


Still ‘working’ on 20m psk31, the usual European stations with a smattering of Asiatic Russians and cross Atlantic stations, a few rare DX stations were ‘spotted’ on the SuperBrowser’ on DM780 but with heavyish pile ups. ‘New’ DXCC countries worked were Kyrgyzstan, Luxembourg and Greece. Worked the Winter Olympic Special Prefix station VX3NOO, Michael was active until the end of March. I ‘extended’ my distance eastwards to slightly just under 6,300 kms with an RV0 station,now  slowly creeping further eastwards towards the Orient.

Was ‘monitored’ in J land (Japan) early in the month…


The first half of the month was mostly HF, still working from the home QTH, field trips will start in earnest when the weather gets more summer like.

DM780 SuperBrowser in action….

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the ‘Q’ code, check <HERE>